Saturday, January 26, 2013

What Is Going On

Hello, this is Alex and my dog Slate.  Well... Slate... is not... really helping, but he is in hear with me.  Slate is a male dog, well any way, i'm sorry, I just got a little sidetracked.  My brother Vincent is watching the senior bowl write now.  My dad is eating write now. My mom is bagging  up Pampered Chef boxs write now.  My sister is doing her chores at my grandpa's house.  I'm new to all this blog stuff, so can you guys help me out with sum thing? If you go on my blog you should see sum thing where you can vote on who is better, and the time has ran out! So can one of you guys send a comment and tell me how to put more time on it? well I should probably get off now goodbye.

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