Sunday, February 17, 2013

My raps

Hi! OK, right now, I am gonna tell you guys sum of my raps. At 1. it go's like "I'm gonna utter up sum butter  cuz my brother's  like know other" And # 2. go's like "You best know that bears don't wear underwear there's a bear in you're hair wearing underwear" I have more. bye.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


OK I'm really really really bored! so that is why I'm posting twice in one day! what? I don't have anything else to do, it's not like I'm just going to sit around all day and watch Clone wars or Star wars, well anyways I      am on my Mom's Pampered Chef computer, and you would not believe how fast it is!OK why do I keep getting sidetracked?! sorry I lost my temper,OK I'm just going to get off before we have a accident bye.

Lego And Starwars Update

Hi! the reason I'm always on my blog is because I don't have anything to do. So I will update you guys about        Lego's and starwars, but I don't really no if the Lego people made new sets or not. Well did any of you see a Clonewars episode named Shades Of Reason? well if you did I did not like how Darth mall killed Prevesla,if that is the way you spell his name? Well I'm going to get off now bye.